There have definitely been times in my life where I've daydreamed about that. But honestly, after so many years of this roller-coaster, I believe that is not my answer. Some traveling definitely...but I do want a home. I know my family loves me, and I love them. Even when they don't understand me...and it triggers deep emotions and insecurities that I need to channel into a poem to process it. I think what would be better than endless traveling, is some more independence to work on myself, pursuing more creative work and getting healthier in mind, body, and spirit. Sometimes I think the homeless feeling I get is not about other people making me feel that way necissarily...but me not feeling like I can be myself in my everyday life. Or maybe not liking who I am?? So I need to learn to accept that I am perfect just the way I am. Anyway that is where I'm at right now. I'm not going to claim I absolutely know all the answers because I don't...that is just where my "gut" is and it seems right for me.
I feel your pain, and there are many many others out there who do too. I wish you all the love, happiness, joy, and human connection you need to overcome all! And you take the path that is right for you. :)